Is dissolving bunions an option for you right now?
Experiencing health issues before you even reach fifty is unexpected. Bunions are one of these undesirable conditions. Anyone can experience the pain and discomfort of having bunions at any age.

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When your foot has a bunion, it becomes deformed. This biochemical asymmetry is manifested by the misalignment of the metatarsal bone. Metatarsals are the elongated bones of your feet, the first of which is situated behind your big toe.
Various factors bring about bunions such as salt deposits in that specific joint, wearing tight-fitting shoes for long periods, and genetics.
Bunions do not look pleasant at all. Another reason people want to get rid of bunions is insufferable pain. Some can’t wear shoes and can’t walk properly because of their bunions.
Until now, many people believe that bunions are bony growths on the side of your foot. It merely looks that way. The protrusion you see is the result of your metatarsal bones shifting.
How common are bunions?
Research shows that about one out of four individuals between 18 and 65 years of age develop a bunion. As a person ages, the risk of having a bunion increases. In a pool of people above 65 years of age, one out of three have this malformation.
Part of this condition is because of genetics, but women are highly likely to develop bunions because of wearing high heels for years. Tight, pointed, high-heeled shoes push your big toe outward, forcing the metatarsal to shift inward. An imbalance happens, resulting to terrible discomfort over time.
How do I know if I have Bunions?
On the day you happen to attend a pool party, beach party, or any gathering in which you would have to walk around bare-footed with people, compare your feet to another’s. If you see a prominent bump on the outer side of your big toe, it’s evident that you have a bunion.
Experiencing stiffness in the big toe joint, tenderness, inflammation, redness, and a callous on that big toe protrusion are notable symptoms.
Early intervention is vital to the early elimination of bunions. If left untreated, they tend to progress over time. The methods of treatment depend on the degree of pain you’re experiencing. On a pain scale of 1 to 10, 10 is severe pain.
If you only have pain of lower than five or six, you should be on a hunt for the most effective, non-surgical means to get rid of bunions. Choosing not to go under the knife is the best path to take when it comes to correcting bunions.
Avoiding surgery for correcting bunions
Avoiding dreadful surgery for correcting bunions is a priority. Addressing the known symptoms should be done with conservative treatment.
Remember, once the metatarsal veers away completely from its proper alignment, the only corrective measure is to move it back through surgery.
What are the Causes of Bunion?
A number of factors can trigger the growth of bunions.
- Tight, pointed, high heels that force your toes to cluster inward at the center. This puts a lot of strain on the joints of your toes.
- Genetics. The occurrence of bunions can run in one’s family. Inadequate foot structure can be passed down to succeeding generations.
- Deformity of the feet at birth.
- Gout or rheumatoid arthritis. Joints of the feet are greatly affected—the joint of the big toe, especially.
- A foot injury that caused the big toe to push into the other toes.
- Uneven length of the legs. A bunion tends to develop in the foot of the longer leg.
- Excessive pronation of the foot, which is a bad form when you exercise, run, or walk.
Home remedies for Bunions
Bunions hurt. To lessen the discomfort you feel, you should learn how to soothe the irritation and treat the inflammation around the big toe’s joint.
There are products on the market that address the metatarsal’s position but just inhibit the condition from advancing rather than reversing the condition. The only true way to rectify a bunion is through surgery.
To remedy the symptoms and avoid having bunion surgery, here are some solutions:
① Wear Bunion Pads. Bunion symptoms mostly result from the pain resulting from the bunion region rubbing against the shoe.
Because of this, there is redness, blistering, swelling, and pain. Bunion pads can relieve the discomfort because it acts as an effective cushiony barrier between the bunion and the shoe.
You can get a bunion pad made of moleskin or felt. It is simply placed over the bunion area before you put on your footwear.
Gel pads serve the same purpose, but they are more durable and highly reusable. Generally, all bunion pads are helpful for any degree of bunions.
② Insert Toe Spacers. You can relieve the pressure in the second toe as the big toe realigns back to normal by placing a silicone toe spacer between the two toes.
Gel toe spacers can last a long time. If they have loops, you can attach them to the second toe or big toe.
These spacers work more effectively when the big toe has diverged during the bunion’s early stages before it becomes fixed.
③ Put on Arch Supports. Flat feet are more susceptible to developing bunions. You can put arch inserts in your shoes or wear footwear with arch support to help your condition.
Structural support can keep the bones in their proper alignment, retarding the progress of bunions. A podiatrist can give you a custom-made orthotic for your foot.
These do not correct the bunions, but they do help retard the advancement of the bunion and help you walk with ease.
④ Bunion Splints. This is a specially designed device that a person usually wears while sleeping. It pushes your big toe into its normal position. Various bunion splint designs are out on the market.
Some push the big toe to its proper alignment while others pull it back. Choose what you deem most comfortable and most effective for you since you must wear it while you sleep.
Do Bunion Correctors really Work?
As with any gentle bone and tissue manipulation, bunion correctors are not magic. They are solutions meant for long-term use. They won’t correct the bunion, but they will stop your bunion from getting worse.
⑤ Feet Exercises or Feet Yoga for Bunions
Foot Exercises / Feet Yoga – along with the home remedies mentioned above – you can restore the flexibility of your big toes and reduce the size of the bunion over time. You can try these Bunions feet exercises regularly to help strengthen the muscles in your feet and slow down the progression of the bunion.
Foot Exercise #1
How to Do It
- Grab a narrow strap (like a dog leash or a belt) and take it down to your feet. Take the strap between your big toe and your second toe. Bring the feet so they’re fairly close together & parallel.
- Next, crisscross your strap and as you crisscross your strap, open up the toes and taking the toes wide while keeping your heels grounded. So, you’re putting a lot of space between the toes.
- The toes are moving nice and wide, you’ll see how much space you’re putting between the big toe and the second toe specifically, really works on that area.
- Hold this pose for about 5 to 7 breaths and then you’re gonna come out and do some toe lifts, up and down. Spread your toes, let them rest a bit and do this routine once again 5 more times.
- You can do this pose either standing or seated.
Foot Exercise #2
How to Do It:
- Take your fingers between your toes, even you get them in there a little bit between the toes, it helps.
- Take the feet up and down with the fingers between the toes, so again you’re creating space.
- Another thing is good is to take one hand to the big toe and the other hand to the second toe and open up this area again. This is another thing you can do
Foot Exercise #3
How to Do It:
- Bring your feet parallel and hip width apart (you’ll know your feet are truly parallel when second toe is aligned with the center of the ankle, that’s the nice marker on this.
- Shift your weight to the left foot and you can be at the wall to take support. And then bring your opposite foot up so the toes are tucked under. Doing this will stretch the top part of the foot.
- This is the area of the foot that doesn’t get stretched so much because we spend too much time walking and using those muscles.
- Hold this pose 5 to 7 breaths. After 5 to 7 breaths, come out and take the toes wide.
- Shift your weight to the foot that you just did and then come to the opposite foot and again hold that side for about 5 to 7 breaths, then you come to the center and go ahead take this sequence 3 times on each side.
Things to Do for Comfort Despite Bunions
Here are some things you can do to prevent and ease the pain as you deal with your bunions:
Stay away from heels.
Shoes that have heels are what may have caused your bunions. If you continue to wear them, they will hurt your feet and they will even make your bunion worse. You should also remember to wear cushiony socks to prevent your bunion from rubbing against the shoe.
Be smart when shoe shopping.
Always think about your feet when you shop for shoes. It is always best to fit shoes at the end of the night. This is when your feet are at their chunkiest, though your feet do swell all through the day.
If you find the right shoe during this time of day, you can be sure it will be comfortable each time you wear it. For stubborn, pinching areas, use gel pads for relief.
Give your tootsies some TLC.
Give some extra love to your feet. To soothe redness and soreness, have a foot ice bath and a foot massage. You can also take mild pain relievers like ibuprofen.
Consult your Doctor.
As you address your bunion yourself, it is always best to see a podiatrist to supplement your remedies with more diagnostic tests and therapies, such as electronic stimulation.
This type of stimulation can stop the pain cycle, improve blood circulation, and reduce the inflammation around the big toes’ joint.
Through enhanced blood flow, the sprained ligaments, caused by misaligned joints, will heal faster. X-rays help podiatrists in tracking bunion progression.
When to Consider Surgery
If the given remedies fail to relieve your pain and if your bunion is already inhibiting your ability to walk, you may just have to go through surgery.
Symptoms that qualify you for bunion surgery are worsened structural issues, continuous pain, shoe intolerance, and limited activities. This type of surgery has different types, depending on the method that was chosen to correct it and the actual size of the bunion.
Surgery for a small bunion is simpler than surgery for a large bunion especially when it comes to the surgeon’s work and the patient’s recovery.
Small bunions just usually call for wearing surgical shoes for about six weeks until the bone heals. Large bunions need crutches and casts for six weeks.
The new surgical techniques allow patients to bear weight on the foot after the surgery even if the bunion is severe. This type of bunion correction is quick, but you can always participate in dissolving bunions way before they qualify for surgery.
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credit: Complex PTSD made simple